Trait libdata::column::Type []

pub trait Type where
    Self: Clone + Debug + for<'de> Deserialize<'de> + Ord + Serialize + Sized + 'static, 
{ fn name() -> String; }

A trait for the types that can be made into the generic Value

Implementing this trait allows a type to act as the generic opaque Value. This mostly means providing some other common traits, but also assigning a name for the tag, which is used for serializing and deserializing the tag's identity.

Note that there can be only one tag of each type. Therefore, if a flow needs to be tagged with something that is eg. a String, create a newtype for that.

Some data are relevant for the local and remote endpoints. There are the Local and Remote wrappers for that and an EndpointType trait.

Note that for some actions to be usable for a type, the type needs to be registered in addition to implementing this trait. See register.

Required Methods

A name of the tag.

The name is used when serializing to JSON. It must be unique between all registered types.
