import re
import msgpack
from .exceptions import *
SN_MSG_REGEXP = "^([a-z0-9_]+/)*[a-z0-9_]+$"
SN_MSG = re.compile(SN_MSG_REGEXP)
def parse_msg(data):
""" Gets a Sentinel-type ZMQ message and parses message type and its
msg_type = str(data[0], encoding="UTF-8")
if not SN_MSG.match(msg_type):
raise InvalidMsgTypeError("Bad message type definition")
payload = msgpack.unpackb(data[1], encoding="UTF-8")
except IndexError:
raise InvalidMsgError("Not enough parts in message")
except (TypeError, msgpack.exceptions.UnpackException, UnicodeDecodeError):
raise InvalidMsgError("Broken message")
return msg_type, payload
def encode_msg(msg_type, data):
""" Gets string message type and its's string data. Then, both of them are
packed to be prepared for zmg.send_multipart().
if not SN_MSG.match(msg_type or ""):
raise InvalidMsgTypeError("Bad message type definition")
if not data or type(data) != dict:
raise InvalidMsgError("Empty payload parameter")
b = bytes(msg_type, encoding="UTF-8")
msg = msgpack.packb(data)
return (b, msg)